Tuesday, March 27, 2012

 According to Malcolm X, 1964 was considered the most spontaneous year in history due to the fact that it was a political year. False promises were given to African-Americans only to serve as let downs from white politicians. Promises of equality and living conditions in a safe police state were false. In the speech "There's a Worldwide Revolution going On," Malcolm  explains how African-Americans felt that the police were around to be to frighten and be against them instead of providing genuine aid when necessary. Malcolm believed that a man would be better off fighting for civil rights than for him to be sent off to Korea to battle against 800 million Chinese. After an interview with Mike Wallace, Malcolm felt that people like commissioner Murphy would encourage White people to think that they can beat or suppress African-Americans. Throughout the interview he continues to say there was hostility towards black people instilled within them feeling of resentment. This injustice played a vital role in making Malcolm x feel as if he wasn’t American, as well as other African-Americans like him.
                Malcolm had faith in African-Americans fighting over their rights and goals. "He wasn’t a specialist in politics, a democratic, or a republican." This statement alone proves how much even an outsider such as Malcolm noticed how unjust society was.  Malcolm X didn't feel like he was an american unless he was a person with blue eyes and blonde hair. This feeling of alienation was vital in causing African-Americans to retaliate do to inequality.  

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